***English text below. Remove this message when translating, otherwise the page may be overwritten:***

XXII. Special Contests

1. Agora Speakers International welcomes and encourages innovation at all levels - including contests - as long as the core values and mission of the Foundation are respected.

2. Any member may propose and pitch a new type of contest, as long as:

  • The contest is related to the goals and mission of the Foundation.
  • The contest complies with the core values and bylaws of the Foundation
  • Participation in the contest directly improves the participants’ skills that are the educational goal of the Foundation.
  • Participation in the contest does not require any mandatory pruchases, membership in third-party organizations or in general paying any fees.
  • Contest results depend as much as possible on the skills of the participants and not on other factors such as luck, physical appearance, etc.

3. Each proposal must include the following:

  • A Contest Title
  • A short summary of the contest and the pursued educational goals and skills.
  • A contest-specific rulebook that complements this common rulebook.

4. Contest-specific rulebooks that contain clauses or rules contrary to any part of this common rulebook must be approved by Agora Speakers International.

Club-level only Special Contests

1. Clubs may hold club-level only Special contests (i.e.: contests that do not proceed farther than the club level) at any time, at the discretion of the VP of Education of the club.

City, Region, and State-level Special Contests

1. Special Contests that proceed only up to the State level may be organized at the initiative of the Presidents or VPs of Education of clubs in those cities or regions, provided that:

  • They fit into the Special Contests schedule outlined in this rulebook.
  • They have the approval of the Country Ambassador.

Country and International-level Special Contests

1. Special Contests that higher than State level may be organized at the initiative of the Presidents or VPs of Education of clubs in those areas, or at the initiative of the country Ambassador, provided that:

  • They fit into the Special Contests schedule outlined in this rulebook.
  • They have already been organized successfully for at least one immediately preceding year up to State-level
  • They have the approval of the Country Ambassador.
  • They have the approval of Agora Speakers International, for which it will be necessary to submit to the Foundation all of the contest proposal documents in English, as well as a full recording of the preceding year State-level contest.


2. Successful International-Level contests may be promoted to Official Contests by Agora Speakers International