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VIII. Convention Organization

1. All levels of all contests take place within an Agora Convention at that level. The guidelines for organizing an Agora Convention are specified in the Agora Documentation.

2. The use of the “AgoraCon” term is reserved exclusively for the International Convention. No other convention at any level may include that term.

3. All convention events are open to the general public, and may not be limited to Agora members only.

IX. Convention Fees.


1. Convention Organizers may charge an attendance fee to cover the costs of celebrating the convention.

2. Convention Organizers may further charge additional fees for side-events such as workshops, seminars, tourist trips, etc. that may be organized in parallel with the main event.

3. If there’s a fee, Agora members should have a discount of at least 20% of the fee charged to the general public.

4. If there are different levels of convention participation, each contestant is entitled to the highest level of participation in the main event, free of charge. This should include any possible lunches, dinners and post-convention parties.  However, this does not include any optional side-events such as workshops, seminars, touristic visits, etc.

5. For any conventions from country-level (inclusive) and above, 10% of the fee must go to support the operations of the Agora Speakers International Foundation.

6. Surpluses at any convention level must go towards financing the next convention at the same level.

X. Convention Dates

1. All Conventions are organized using the following schedule.

(a) Official Contests:

Level Earliest Date Latest Date Date Announced
Club January 1 January 31 2 weeks before
City February 1 February 15 2 weeks before
Region February 16 March 31 January 31
State April 1 May 31
Country June 1 July 15
International August 1 September 30 At the convention of the previous year


(b) Special Contests:

Level Earliest Date Latest Date Date Announced
Club July 31 September 1 1 month before
City September 16 September 30 July 1
Region October 1 October 31 July 1
State November 1 November 30 October 1
Country December 1 December 31 October 1
International December 1 December 31 At the final of the previous year, or October 1