We use a number of systems in the backend where we're always eager to get help. So if there's a feature that you miss in any of our systems ... you can actually make it happen!

Send us a message at [email protected] if you want to help.

Here's our stack:


If you want to help us with the frontend Agora Console, our stack is:


The backend handles both the static visualization of the pages, some dynamically generated content (such as project headers and footers, evaluation cards, etc.) and the services that the frontend calls. Our main backend technologies are:

  • Java 22
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring JPA for data access
  • Thymeleaf for template processing
  • Lucene for full-text indexing and search
  • JUnit for unit testing



We operate a cloud-based system with multiple Dockerized deployments. Most of our operations are handled by Jenkins

Core systems:

  • MySQL as our main database server
  • Jenkins for pipeline handling and periodic jobs
  • Keycloak as our IAM and SSO system
  • All our code is hosted on Github.



We're always in need of good designers for our brochures, club materials, website, etc. Please note that we do not use any heavy frameworks such as BootStrap or similar, so in terms of the wiki/website, everything is done in vanilla JS and plain CSS. The only exception is that we use GSAP for javascript animations, and the frontend console which may use

Apart from that, we use the Adobe Creative Suite (especially Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator)