Once the Basic Educational Path is completed, you can start progress along any of the Advanced Educational Paths available. Each advanced path is composed of between 7 and 15 projects.

You can work on any advanced paths at the same time and do them in any order. You can pause your progress in one path, start work on another (or just take a rest), and come back later. The only requirement is that the projects of each path must be completed in order.

Of course, you can repeat a project as many times as you want, and in fact, it is recommended that you don't move forward unless you're fully satisfied with the previous project results. There's no point in rushing forward just to get a badge or an award. Remember that the main goal is learning, practicing, training, and being ready for "the big stage". The goal should not be collecting badges. There's no time limit for completing a particular path.

Advanced Paths

Learn how stories are structured, how to create new ones, and how to use effectively one of the most effective tools in speechwriting and persuasion.
Educational Speeches
Deliver compelling, entertaining and illuminating educational speeches on the most complex subjects.
Against All Odds
Learn to handle all sorts of failures and situations during a speech.
Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs
From pitching your idea to speaking to investors - learn how to communicate as an Entrepreneur to make your startup successful
Broadcast Media
Speaking for interviews, radio, tv and internet streaming.
Public Speaking in Business Contexts
Everything about speaking in business contexts - from basic reports to corporate keynote speeches.
Critical Thinking
From detecting fallacies to being a formidable debater - critical thinking will help you professionally like no other path.
From dramatic reading to acting - explore all the nuances of theatrical performance.
Visual Storytelling
Learn to create compelling visual stories for the modern world.
Humorous Speeches
Humour can not only lighten up any situation, but it can also turn the tables around in a desperate business situation.
Interpersonal Skills
Develop your interpersonal skills - from speaking to strangers to creating long-lasting relationships.
Project Management
Learn to design and manage projects to a successful outcome.
Become a successful leader that inspires others.
Public Relations
Learn to communicate with the media, write press releases and promote your ideas.
Learn how to negotiate and create win-win outcomes that satisfy everyone involved.
Persuasive Speeches
Learn to persuade and move people to action.
Special Occasion Speeches
Learn to deliver acceptance, presentation and many other special kinds of speeches.
Learn to promote ideas, products and services
Investigative Writing
Learn to research, trace sources, question and uncover facts about current topics and events