Agora Changelog

Changes in the Agora Software


the new option "Agora Awards", accessible from the "Club Members" menu, shows "Agora's hall of fame" - All possible awards, number of people that have won each award and the specific people that did it, and you can access the award details by click on the serial number of the award.



A major website overhaul has been carried away, in order to simplify the system and make it easier to maintain and faster to evolve. Many of the changes were showcased at the recent AgoraCon 2024 convention in Romania, but here's a quick summary:


  • Massive simplification and unification. The wiki, the website, the club registration system and the services have been merged into one single sistem. As a result, everything should feel much more integrated, much faster, and it should provide a better and more fluent experience.
  • All previous pages that of the type will now be hosted at  instead. The system should transparently handle the redirections for now, but at some point the subdomain will disappear,.
  • There have been many enhancements to the Basic Educational Path - in particular, we're greately augmenting all projects with lots of useful content. Check out one example such project:
  • No more errors on login (hopefully). Previously, whenever you logged in as a member, you were sent back to the wiki usually with an error, and had to go back manually to wherever your original destination was. This is no more, and now everything should work fluently.
  • Easy registration. Previously people had troubles learning how to actually register in Agora. Now there's a clear "Register" button visible right next to the "Login" one
  • Since the wiki is gone, the "Login as Admin", which was a wiki function, is gone as well. Depending on the permissions your user has, you will see different functionality available.
  • Better use of the screen - the header is now much more compact and saves precious screen estate space.
  • Better menu. The horizontal menu has been made much more comprehensive, covering almost all existing documents, and is now click-based instead of hover-based, which makes it friendlier for devices that lack a mouse (tablets, phones, etc.)
  • Member distinctions. When you login, you can see the clubs you belong to and your titles next to your name.
  • Language selection is clearer. There's a much better-looking and better and faster-working dropdown in the header itself that instantly allows toggling between supported languages.
  • Full text search.  Although this functionality is not new, it was buried in the menus of the wiki before and it was difficult to find. Now there's a clear search icon at the top of every page so that you can easily locate whatever information you're looking for.
  • Easier access to your profiles. This is also not new, but was also buried previously in the different menus. Now from "Club Members" -> "Resources and Tools" you can access:
    • Your Agora Console 
    • Your system account,  where you can change your email, password, etc.
    • Your Agora account, where you can see the clubs you belong to, how your name will appear on certificates, your contact information and many other goodies that we will keep expanding.
  • No more captchas. You no longer need the annoying captcha test to generate  evaluation forms or any other assets. 
  • Past conventions. You can now access all of the past conventions information from the main menu, seleting "Club Members" -> "Agora Conventions" -> "Past Agora Conventions". We will soon improve that page to include all the winners and recordings of the past conventions.
  • New suggestions engine (English only). If you have to deliver a speech, be the hot questions master, or host a debate and are out of ideas, you can use our embedded suggestion generator to suggest topics and questions, straight from the pages themselves.
  • New tools for Ambassadors. Ambassadors have now a specific page that gathers all the tools (such as mailing list management) and other resources that was previously scattered around.  It can be accessed from "Agora Ambassadors" -> "Tools for Ambassadors"


More things are coming. Stay tuned! 😀