If you already run an NGO, community service, or existing activity club that is compatible with the core principles of Agora Speakers International, you can easily provide your members with the additional benefits of joining the Agora Community.

Benefits of Affiliation

By affiliating with Agora, you provide your members with full Agora membership and access to the worldwide Agora community - including all educational materials, international contests, our online platform, communication, and management tools, networking and mentoring opportunities, etc. They would be able to attend meetings in any Agora club worldwide, participate in all Agora events, etc.

  • If your NGO, community service, or existing club meets regularly, the easiest way is to replace some of these meetings with Agora-style meetings. For example, if your club meets weekly, you may decide to one of the meetings every month, an "Agora meeting". In a way, it's like having "a club within a club".
  • Another option is merely extending the activities you have with an "Agora meeting extension". So, for example, if you meet regularly to do fundraising, once that activity is finished, you can have an Agora meeting.

The affiliation is made publicly - both Agora Speakers International and your organization will announce the affiliation with a joint press release using a standard format.


Regardless of the circumstances, the Agora portion of your activities must function as a full Public Agora club. This means:

  • It needs to comply with all Agora guidelines for clubs, including having a compliant name, a club number, and a set of elected club officers. 
  • Members would still have to register on the online platform. We can import your members in bulk from a CSV listing, or they can sign up manually.
  • All club extensions would be listed as hosted Agora Clubs on our platform. You can provide a short profile of your organization, and it will be included in the club description. However, only the meeting schedules that conform to the Agora model will be advertised.
  • All Agora-type meetings should operate as Open Public Clubs: They should accept guests, other Agora members,  and new potential members that want to sign up.
  • New members should be able to sign up only for the Agora-type meetings. In other words, attendance to the Agora-type sessions should not require membership in any other organization (although in the Agora-type meetings, the clubs can advertise and promote the other portion as well, of course).
  • Attendance to the Agora portion cannot require any other actions in the main organization.
  • People that are willing to join only the Agora portion of your activities should be electable as officers.