The following special provisions were in place for the 2021 Speech Contest:

2021 Special Provisions

Due to the current pandemic situation, the following special provisions for the 2021 contest apply:


  • Contests will be held in English and Spanish languages.
  • You need to participate under your regular "home club" (the one you most frequently attend). If you participate in several clubs, you need to select ONE per speech category and language.
  • Each country can send one contest representative per category to the Convention. The representative will be chosen using an internal contest held by the Country Ambassador.
  • To ensure transparency of the process, all speeches need to be submitted using the forms below. For speeches that are part of a club contest, the recording made during the club contest must be submitted.
  • If the country does not have an Ambassador, the entries from that country will be judged by a panel of Ambassadors.
  • The deadline for all submissions is August 6th.2021
  • All country representatives will enter a semifinals contest where their recorded entries will be judged by a panel of non-Agora judges. The judges will select FIVE finalists per category and language.
  • The five finalists will compete in a live contest during the International Convention (Aug 19-22). English contestants must be ready to participate LIVE from 4pm to 6pm UTC. Spanish Contestants must be ready to participate LIVE from 6:30pm to 8:00pm UTC
  • If you're selected as a finalist, you may use the same speech for the live contest, or present a new one.
  • You may participate in as many categories as you want, either in English or in Spanish (or both), but you may not enter more than one speech per category and language, regardless of whether they have been submitted on behalf of different clubs or countries.

Speech Requirements

  • Speeches must be clearly recorded, with clear audio and video.
  • The speaker must be visible at all times, from the torso upwards. The speaker's face must be clearly visible.
  • Speech videos may not be post-produced or edited in any way.
  • Please note that speeches have a maximum time, but not a minimum.
  • All speeches must be original, and written by the participant. Quoted content may not exceed 30% of the total time.

Awards and Recognition

  • All entering speeches will be published on the Agora Speakers Youtube Channel.
  • First prize winners will receive a unique, exclusively designed physical trophy representing the Agora Flame, with their name engraved.
  • 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive a printed and signed certificate.
  • Both the winners and the 2nd and 3rd place holders will receive full-entry tickets to AgoraCon 2022
  • The Foundation will promote extensively the winning speeches. Both the winners and the 2nd and 3rd place holders will permanently enter the Agora hall of fame roster that will be kept on the wiki.

IP Rights Assignment:

  • By entering the contest, you grant the Agora Speakers International Foundation full IP rights to your speech and your recording. The Foundation will be able to promote, replay, stream, copy, distribute, transform, edit, combine with other videos, and in genereal use the speech and its recording in whichever way it sees fit, in any medium and/or platform, and including commercial usage and creation of derived works. The right grant is non expiring, irrevocable and not limited geographically.

Submission Forms: